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Direct Support Professionals


The Coalition is comprised of families, community provider agencies, Direct Support Professionals and, most importantly, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). These members share a common belief that individuals with I/DD deserve to live rich and meaningful lives as fully integrated members of our communities. Toward that end, Direct Support Professionals (DSPs), who play a critical role in meeting this objective, must be paid a living wage

People First

Advocacy By and For People with Disabilities

People First is the major self-advocacy organization in the US currently in 29 states, self-advocates are part of a grassroots movement organized and maintained entirely by individuals with disabilities, and dedicated solely to advancing the rights of citizens with disabilities across the globe.

NJCDD is continuing to grow it’s People First network across the state developing new chapter and working to increase established chapters with new members. With the mission of growing advocacy efforts and adapting the philosophy of People First, in New Jersey.

Disability Rights NJ

New Jersey’s designated Protection and Advocacy agency under federal law. We advance the human, civil, and legal rights of people with disabilities and promote their self-determination, independence, productivity, and integration into all facets of community life.

Resources and Information

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Boggs Center

The Boggs Center is New Jersey’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities and part of Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Department of Pediatrics. 

Since its inception in 1983, The Center has emphasized a community-based, lifespan approach to meeting the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. In 2016, The Boggs Center was designated as New Jersey’s Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (NJLEND) program.

DDD Ombudsman 
Paul S. Aronsohn

The Office of the Ombudsman for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Their Families was established to help make sure that they get the services and supports they need and deserve.

The legislation creating the Office outlines specific responsibilities, which can be grouped into 3 categories:

  • Assisting individuals and families to navigate New Jersey’s system of care to get the services and supports they need and deserve;
  • Working with individuals and families to identify opportunities for improving the system; and
  • Helping to ensure that the voice of individuals and families is heard in a meaningful way in decisions that directly affect them as well as in larger policy discussions.

# 609-984-7764  Disability.Ombudsman@treas.nj.gov

ABLE Accounts

With NJ ABLE, you can save for qualified disability expenses without losing your eligibility for certain assistance programs, like SSI and Medicaid.

Information and Resources

The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute is dedicated to providing timely information, advocacy, support and training to family members of an individual with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It consolidates all of our outreach and support to families under one program and greatly expands upon the activities that we are currently providing to families. It is crafted with the knowledge and expertise of our past initiatives in mind, and strives to harness the growing enthusiasm of families currently engaged with The Arc.

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